Sunday, March 24, 2013


List of Zoo's Romania

  • Baia Mare zoo
  • Bârlad zoo
  • Bucov zoo
  • Buhuşi zoo
  • Călăraşi zoo
  • Caracal zoo
  • Craiova zoo
  • Focşani zoo
  • Galaţi zoo
  • Iaşi zoo
  • Oneşti zoo
  • Oradea zoo
  • Piatra Neamţ zoo
  • Piteşti zoo
  • Râmnicu Vâlcea zoo
  • Reşiţa zoo
  • Slatina zoo
  • Târgovişte zoo
  • Târgu Mureş zoo
  • Tecuci zoo
  • Timişoara zoo
  • Zărneşti zoo
  • Zoo Băneasa
  • zoo Brăila
  • Zoo Hunedoara
  • Zoo Sibiu

Romania is a country located at the intersection of Central and Southeastern Europe, bordering on the Black Sea. Romania shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and Moldova to the northeast and east, and Bulgaria to the south. 
Capital: Bucharest
Dialing code: 40
Currency: Romanian leu
Official language: Romanian Language
Government: Semi-presidential system, Republic, Unitary state
Population: 21,390,000 (2011)

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